Members Guide
The following notes aim to provide choir members with some general information about our choir. The notes will be especially of interest to new members who have recently joined the choir. If there are any other issues or further questions you wish to discuss, please speak to your section representative who will be pleased to help you.
The choir sings a wide variety of music in and around Rayleigh each year. We usually arrange for members to go carol singing for a charity at Christmas.
Membership of the Choir is by subscription. The current rate is £40 per term (subject to revision.) Prospective members attend their first two rehearsals free of charge. Membership of the choir is open to everyone, of any age. Members are entitled to vote at the Annual General Meeting of the choir held at Rayleigh Methodist Church in October.
We rehearse each Monday evening during school term time at Rayleigh Methodist Church Wesley Room between 7.30 and 9.00 p.m.
An attendance register is kept by the section representatives. If you are not able to attend a rehearsal (or a series of rehearsals) for any reason, please let your section rep. know by telephoning one of the following numbers:
Soprano rep: 01268 743148
Alto rep: 01268 784159
Tenor / Bass rep: 01268 227455
At Christmas we often use the ‘Carols for Choirs’ books 1, 2, and 3, published by the Oxford University Press. Although there are some copies of these books available for loan, members are asked to buy their own personal copies where possible. Other music is provided as required.
You are also asked to bring along a soft pencil and rubber for marking the music when required.
Social Fundraising Events
Members are encouraged to support the choir’s social and fundraising activities organised throughout the year. Past events have included meals at local restaurants, coffee mornings, bring and buy sales, quizzes and a monthly raffle. Please see Social/Fundraising page for the dates of any events coming up.
The committee welcomes any ideas you may have for social or fundraising events. Please let a member of the committee know.